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Working with go-ipld-prime

A deep dive into the go-ipld-prime library for working with IPLD data. In the form of a worked example of reading and writing a linked list of events on IPFS.


IPLD is the data format for the future of the web. It’s a generic way of encoding linked data which has a number of useful properties, for more on that read this. Read on for information about working with IPLD in Go.

A few months ago I implemented the dag-jose IPLD codec in Go which allowed me to get to grips with the go-ipld-prime library. go-ipld-prime is a high performance IPLD library and I found implementing a new codec less straightforward than I expected. In this post I’ll explain in detail my understanding of the go-ipld-prime library, in a later post I’ll build on this to explain how the dag-jose codec is implemented. I’ll assume that readers are familiar with the IPLD data model and with the Go standard library.

Example code to accompany this post can be found at

What does go-ipld-prime do?

Imagine you are writing an application in Go which needs to read some kind of linked data from IPFS, maybe a linked list of events - which we can represent as an IPLD schema like this:

type Event struct {
    name String
    previous &Event

First off, let’s write a Go type definition for this data:

type Event struct {
    name string
    previous cid.Cid

Where cid is the go-cid package. We want to read and write these events to IPFS using go-ipld-prime. The abstractions go-ipld-prime uses to perform these tasks are Links, LinkBuilders, and Loaders. A Link can be “built” with a LinkBuilder — which corresponds to writing to the network — and they can be loaded with a Loader — which corresponds to reading from the network. The Link interface is implemented for CIDs by cidlink.Link from the package. Let’s look at this in more detail:

import (
    ipfsApi ""
    ipld ""
    basicnode ""
    cidlink ""

func fetchEvent(eventCid: cid.Cid, loader ipld.Loader) (ipld.Node, error) {
    builder := basicnode.Prototype.Any.NewBuilder()
    lnk := cidlink.Link{Cid: eventCid}
    err := lnk.Load(
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error fetching %s", eventCid)
    node := builder.Build()
    return node, nil

Okay, so what is an ipld.Node and why are we returning that and not an Event? Well, I want to introduce things a bit at a time, we will eventually write a version of this function which returns an Event, but first we need to learn about ipld.Link.Load and about ipld.Node.


ipld.Link.Load has this signature:

func Load(context.Context, LinkContext, NodeAssembler, Loader) error

Context is just an instance of context.Context from the Go standard library and you can use an empty link context (ipld.LinkContext{}) for the LinkContext argument, so we’ll ignore both of them. The interesting arguments are NodeAssembler, and Loader. Let’s look at Loader first. ipld.Loader looks like this:

type Loader func(lnk Link, lnkCtx LinkContext) (io.Reader, error)

Again, ignore the LinkContext, this is a function which given a Link knows how to return an io.Reader for that link. Recall that we are using an instance of cidlink.Link, i.e an implementation of Link which is based on a CID, this means that our Loader needs to know how to go and get the data for that link from IPFS. Let’s imagine we have an instance of ipfsApi.Shell (from go-ipfs-api, a Go client for the IPFS HTTP API) in scope, then our loader might look like this:

func makeLoader(shell ipfsApi.Shell) ipld.Loader {
    return func(lnk ipld.Link, ctx ipld.LinkContext) (io.Reader, error) {
        theCid, ok := lnk.(cidlink.Link)
        if !ok {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("Attempted to load a non CID link: %v", lnk)
        block, err := shell.BlockGet(theCid.String())
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading %v: %v", theCid.String(), err)
        return bytes.NewBuffer(block), nil

We check that the link is in fact a cidlink.Link, then we call BlockGet to get the data corresponding to the cid and return a reader for that block.

Now we know how the data is loaded, what does the NodeAssembler do? Let’s talk about ipld.Node.

ipld.NodeAssembler, ipld.NodeBuilder, and ipld.Node

go-ipld-prime is in the business of high performance serialization and deserialization of the IPLD data model. This is a problem with two interesting sides to it. Firstly the data model is abstract, the actual wire format may end up being dag-cbor or dag-json or whichever particular multicodec the user wants to encode as. Secondly within a Go application you typically want to work with user-defined data types and not in terms of map[string]interface{} (unlike Javascript where working in terms of objects and arrays is idiomatic). Naively this is not a problem, you decode from the wire format into map[string]interface{} as an intermediate format, and then from there into user defined types, and then back the other way way when serializing. However, if you want to do this in a performant way you need to avoid intermediate steps because nothing kills performance like allocating and dropping lots of small chunks of memory. ipld.Node and ipld.NodeAssembler are a way to minimise allocations whilst still talking in terms of the IPLD data model (rather than working with io.Reader and io.Writer as the encoding/* packages do).

We are currently looking at the NodeAssebmbler argument to ipld.Link.Load, so let’s look at that interface:

type NodeAssembler interface {
    BeginMap(sizeHint int64) (MapAssembler, error)
    BeginList(sizeHint int64) (ListAssembler, error)
    AssignNull() error
    AssignBool(bool) error
    AssignInt(int64) error
    AssignFloat(float64) error
    AssignString(string) error
    AssignBytes([]byte) error
    AssignLink(Link) error
    AssignNode(Node) error 
    Prototype() NodePrototype

Ouch, there’s a lot going on here. What is all this for? A NodeAssembler is responsible for interpreting the incoming IPLD data model and populating some implementation ipld.Node (an interface we’ll examine shortly). NodeAssembler is generic (in java I guess it might be NodeAssembler<T>, where T is the type of the resulting implementation of ipld.Node which is constructed, in our case NodeAssembler<Event>) and intended to be implemented for each type which you want to read from the network. There are built in implementations which represent everything roughly in terms of Go’s primitive data structures in the package - often imported as basicnode; this is what you see in these lines of our fetchEvent function:

builder := basicnode.Prototype.Any.NewBuilder()
lnk := cidlink.Link{Cid: eventCid}
err := lnk.Load(

Putting all this together means that cidlink.Load will use our ipfsApi.Shell to grab the block corresponding to the CID we’ve given it from the IPFS HTTP API, then use the basicnode.Prototype.Any.Builder to create an instance of ipld.Node from the incoming data and return it.

There are still a lot of questions, what exactly do all the methods on NodeAssembler do? What is ipld.Node and how do I use it? We’ll get to them shortly, One question that is convenient to address here is that the argument to link.Load is ipld.NodeAssembler, but here it looks like we’re passing in something that’s a “Builder”. What’s the difference? Well, NodeBuilder is a superset of NodeAssembler, specifically:

type NodeBuilder interface {
    Build() Node

This is something of an implementation detail, it makes it possible for the builder to use assemblers when recursively constructing internal nodes (imagine a map assembler which can contain arbitrary types as it’s values and therefore needs to be able to create and call NodeAssembler methods) without those nodes needing to provide a Build method, which requires additional internal bookkeeping. Generally wherever you see a NodeAssembler argument you’ll typically pass in a NodeBuilder.

Implementing NodeBuilder for Event

Now that we have this context, let’s try and build a NodeBuilder for our Event structure. NodeAssembler is something like an extension of the state of the underlying parser to represent the partially constructed state of an object. To make this concrete imagine go-ipld-prime is parsing some dag-json containing these bytes: {"one": 1}. This will translate to the following calls to the NodeAssembler:

var assembler NodeAssembler                    // The thing we provide
mapAssembler, err := assembler.BeginMap()      // When the parser encounters the "{" byte
keyAssembler := mapAssembler.AssembleKey()     // When the parser encounters the '"' byte
keyAssembler.AssignString("one")               // When the parser encounters the closing '"' after the 'one'
valueAssembler := mapAssembler.AssembleValue() // When the parser encounters the '1' byte
valueAssembler.AssignInt(1)                    // After calling AssembleValue when encountering the '1'

This is an example, these calls might happen at slightly different points in the incoming stream. Thus we can see that the assembler needs to store some state, both to store the partially constructed object it is assembling, and to store the state that it is at in the stream (e.g I’m inside a map, I’m waiting for the value of the “one” key). Let’s imagine what such a state machine might look like for our event node builder:

This diagram is a bit fiddly, I apologize. It may require a little study for it to make sense. Maybe some code will help. Let’s lay out what our builder state looks like:

type builderState uint8

const (
	builderState_initial        builderState = iota // Waiting for a BeginMap call
	builderState_expectKey                          // waiting for an AssembleKey or AssembleEntry call
	builderState_midKey                             // waiting for an AssignString call for the next key
	builderState_expectName                         // waiting for an AssembleValue call for the name key
	builderState_midName                            // waiting for an AssignString call for the name key
	builderState_expectPrevious                     // waiting for an AssembleValue call for the previous key
	builderState_midPrevious                        // waiting for an AssignLink call for the previous key
	builderState_finished                           // finished

type eventNodeBuilder struct {
	state      builderState
	name       *string
	previous   *cid.Cid

I’m not going to go through the entire implementation of the NodeBuilder interface, it’s a little tedious. If you’re interested you can take a look at the full code listing on github which I linked to in the introduction. There is one thing which is interesting in my opinion:

func (b *eventNodeBuilder) BeginMap(sizeHint int64) (ipld.MapAssembler, error) {
	if b.state == builderState_initial {
        b.state = builderState_expectKey
		return b, nil
	} else {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("BeginMap called on MapAssembler")

This is the BeginMap call, notice that all it does is change the state of the builder to track that we are now inside the map and then return the builder. i.e the eventNodeBuilder implements MapAssembler as well as NodeAssembler. This is not the only way to do this, you could concievably write a struct like this:

type eventNodeMapAssembler{builder *eventNodeBuilder}

Then you would implement MapAssembler for this struct. The runtime representation should be the same as it’s a struct with a single element being the pointer to the builder and it can make code clearer to understand as some of the state is now computed by the type system (whether you are inside the map being represented by the call being made on the eventNodeMapAssembler or the eventNodeBuilder).

Anyhow, once we have this builder we can finish our fetchEvent function:

func fetchEvent(shell ipfsApi.Shell, eventCid cid.Cid) (*Event, error) {
	builder := eventNodeBuilder{}
	lnk := cidlink.Link{Cid: eventCid}
	err := lnk.Load(
		func(lnk ipld.Link, ctx ipld.LinkContext) (io.Reader, error) {
			theCid, ok := lnk.(cidlink.Link)
			if !ok {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Attempted to load a non CID link: %v", lnk)
			block, err := shell.BlockGet(theCid.String())
			if err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading %v: %v", theCid.String(), err)
			return bytes.NewBuffer(block), nil
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    node := builder.Build()
    event := node.(*Event)
    return event, nil

Pushing data to IPFS

We fetched data from IPFS using LinkLoader, now let’s look at pushing data using LinkBuilder. This is the inverse of fetchEvent, putEvent:

func putEvent(shell *ipfsApi.Shell, event *Event) (ipld.Link, error) {
	lb := cidlink.LinkBuilder{
		Prefix: cid.Prefix{
			Version:  1, // Usually '1'.
			Codec:    cid.DagCBOR,
			MhType:   0x15, // 0x15 means "sha3-384" -- See the multicodecs table:
			MhLength: 48,   // sha3-384 hash has a 48-byte sum.
	return lb.Build(
		func(ipld.LinkContext) (io.Writer, ipld.StoreCommitter, error) {
			buf := bytes.Buffer{}
			return &buf, func(lnk ipld.Link) error {
				_, err := shell.BlockPut(buf.Bytes(), "cbor", "sha3-384", lb.MhLength)
				return err
			}, nil

There are two components to this, first we populate a cidlink.LinkBuilder struct with a bunch of information about how we want to store this data - basically the multicodec and multihash to use. Once we have a LinkBuilder we call Build on it with a bunch of arguments. LinkBuilder is not that interesting to us, in practical terms you’re always going to use cidlink.LinkBuilder. The interesting part is the call to Build, let’s take a look at the function signature of Build:

type LinkBuilder interface {
	Build(context.Context, LinkContext, Node, Storer) (Link, error)

As with the Loader interface we can ignore the Context and LinkContext arguments. Node is an interface that anything which can be represented as IPLD data should implement, we’ll look at it in detail shortly. Storer is an interface which anything which knows how to store raw bytes implements, it looks like this:

type Storer func(lnkCtx LinkContext) (io.Writer, StoreCommitter, error)

This is a little more complex than it’s counterpart Loader. The documentation for this function explains all this very clearly but essentially the builder will write to the io.Writer returned by the Storer and then once the writing is complete it will call the StoreComitter. Here then we accumulate the written data in a buffer (the buf local variable) and then write that data to the IPFS HTTP API in the committer.

With all these moving parts in place we can see that the only thing specific to our Event is the ipld.Node implementation.

Implementing ipld.Node for Event

This is the Node interface:

type Node interface {
	Kind() Kind
	LookupByString(key string) (Node, error)
	LookupByNode(key Node) (Node, error)
	LookupByIndex(idx int64) (Node, error)
	LookupBySegment(seg PathSegment) (Node, error)
	MapIterator() MapIterator
	ListIterator() ListIterator
	Length() int64
	IsAbsent() bool
	IsNull() bool
	AsBool() (bool, error)
	AsInt() (int64, error)
	AsFloat() (float64, error)
	AsString() (string, error)
	AsBytes() ([]byte, error)
	AsLink() (Link, error)
	Prototype() NodePrototype

This is effectively a union of all the possible behaviours of an IPLD data type. Typically if you have a Node you will switch on the underlying type of it to figure out what methods to call. For example:

func prettyPrintNode(node ipld.Node, indent int) (string, err) {
    switch node.Kind() {
    case ipld.Kind_String:
        strValue, err := node.AsString()
        return strings.Repeat(" ", indent) + strValue
    ... // and so on for other cases

An immediate question that occurred to me here is ‘what would this look like for recursive structures like a map?’. This is what the MapIterator and ListIterator interfaces are for.

func prettyPrintNode(node ipld.Node, indent int) (string, err) {
    switch node.Kind() {
    case ipld.Kind_Map:
        result := ""
        mapIter := node.MapIterator()
        for !mapIter.Done() {
            keyNode, valueNode, err := mapIter.Next()
            if err != nil {
                return  "", err
            keyStr, err := prettyPrintNode(keyNode, indent + 2)
            if err != nil {
                return "", err
            valueStr, err := prettyPrintNode(valueNode, indent + 2)
            if err != nil {
                return "", err
            indentString = strings.Repeat(" ", indent)
            return indentString + "key: " + keyStr + "\n" + indentString + valueStr, nil
    ... // and so on for other cases

We use the MapIterator to iterate over the values of the map and render them recursively.

To implement this for Event we throw an error for all of the As* methods. We also implement things like LookupByString and Length with with appropriate implementations - again look at the linked example for details. The most interesting part of the implmentation is the implementation of MapIterator. To implement this we need something that stores some kind of iteration progress, here’s what that looks like:

type eventMapIterator struct {
	event        *Event
	currentIndex uint

func (ei *eventMapIterator) Done() bool {
	return ei.currentIndex > 1
func (ei *eventMapIterator) Next() (ipld.Node, ipld.Node, error) {
	switch ei.currentIndex {
	case 0:
		ei.currentIndex += 1
		return basicnode.NewString("name"), basicnode.NewString(, nil
	case 1:
		ei.currentIndex += 1
		previous := ipld.Null
		if ei.event.previous != nil {
			previous = basicnode.NewLink(cidlink.Link{Cid: *ei.event.previous})
		return basicnode.NewString("previous"), previous, nil
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Next() called on mapiterator which is Done")

Most of this should speak for itself, with the exception of the use of basicnode. This is a package I alluded to earlier which contains implementations of ipld.Node for all the basic Go types, here we use that package to construct nodes for the basic types of our event map.

With this Node implementation our work is done, we can read and write events from our Event struct to anything which speaks the IPFS HTTP API. You can build the example application to have a play with this if you like.


I’ve reviewed all the moving parts required to work with go-ipld-prime. It may seem like there is a lot going on here, but in practice there is code generation tooling which is intended to remove much of this from the programmers consciousness. Nevertheless, this article is hopefully useful if you need to do something more complicated than simply serializing and deserializing Go types - such as implementing a new codec, which I will cover in another post.